5 Top Insurance Mistakes To Avoid

One of the biggest financial mistakes you can make in the market today is choosing the wrong insurance. We are supposed to get insurance to protect ourselves. However, sometimes our insurance plan ends up doing just the opposite.

When it comes to applying for insurance, you have to make all the right moves or else, it won’t be a smooth ride. Nonetheless, a lot of people still make a number of mistakes when it comes to insurance. Which begs the question, why don’t they just take time to learn?


If you’ve ever wondered what mistakes you should avoid when it comes to insurance, continue reading. In this article, we will present the top five mistakes you should avoid when it comes to insurance.

insurance mistakes

1. Not Having Basic Coverage

The worst mistake you can make today is failing to have basic insurance coverage. Most people have almost every other sort of insurance coverage but not basic, which makes no sense. What if they get sick or get into an accident?

If those scenarios happen and you don’t have basic insurance, you’ll be left crippled financially. With your basic coverage, you ensure that you are protected when accidents happen.


2. Selecting Insurance Based On Price

Another mistake that is made widely is just looking at the price and deciding on that alone. In most cases, you’ll decide on the cheapest one on the market.

However, that should never be the case when you want coverage that will take care of your needs. You may have a cheap plan because the plan doesn’t have much to offer when you’re in need. What you really want is a plan that not only provides you with competitive prices but also one with good customer service as well.

3. Getting The Wrong Insurance

Getting the wrong insurance never works out well. For example, if you get the wrong coverage for your house, what happens when it is damaged? See, most people, when it comes to their houses, are insured for the market value of the house. Their hearts may be in good places but, remember, real estate prices can drop at any moment. What you want to do is have a plan that covers the cost of rebuilding. This will ensure that you are covered for rebuilding and lost possessions no matter what state the real estate market is in.


4. Ignoring Bad Records

What do you do when you’re shopping around for insurance? You ask around, obviously! Then what do you with the feedback you get from those you’ve asked around? That’s up to you.

What you shouldn’t do is ignore bad complaints. The internet today has made work easy for you as you can just search for feedback on an insurance company. Read all the comments about them and how they pay their claims and if they do even pay them. By reading the feedback, you can discern between the ones that will be trouble and the ones that will support you.

5. Failing To Ask For Discounts

Generally, no one will give you discounts in the insurance market unless you ask for it. It is an almost standard policy by the insurance agents to not reveal to the customer that there are discounts.

You can easily get discounts for a variety of situations. For example, with house insurance, you can get a discount if you install an alarm in your home. It means that in most cases, your house is protected with the alarm on. Inform your issuer of this and it may qualify you for some credits. Even working at certain occupations will ensure you have bargaining power when it comes to discounts.


Making a mistake with your insurance can be a pain that will be felt for years to come. So, making the right decision is important. However, there are some honest mistakes that you probably knew nothing about. The ones named here are just some of the many that you should thoroughly avoid when getting insurance.

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