Employment Tips for New Job Seekers

Unless you work in a high-demand career, finding a job can be a frustrating and challenging experience. You might have the qualifications, and present them well in your interview, but you still may not get the job. 

Gone are the days when employees looked for papers or qualifications. Today, it’s more about what you can deliver. How can a company benefit from hiring you? Are you an asset to a company or just adding on to the numbers? 


If you can answer these questions, then you are half way there. Learn more tips on how to land your first job by reading below.

Employment Tips for New Job Seekers

Be Clear with What You Want

Before setting out on that dreaded job search mission, take time to reflect on your weaknesses and strengths. Having papers is not enough, rather ask yourself what you love doing as this will help you find a satisfying job

It is better you first discover yourself. What do you want in a job? What are priorities for you? When you answer these questions, you’ll narrow down to the job that will be satisfying.


Research Your Target Companies

After knowing what you want, the next important tip is to research the companies that you are interested in. Don’t just apply to a company that you know nothing about. 

If you do, chances are high of failing the interview. When you identify a company that you want to work for, investigate its Glassdoor page. This page gives you a sneak peek into the company’s culture, what questions they ask in interviews and the salary you are likely to get. 

Tailor Your Resume to a Job

Your resume is one of the most important tools of a job search. Instead of filling your resume with responsibilities, include tangible achievements. 


Another mistake job seekers make is to send the same resume to different job openings. One of the best tips is to make an achievement-oriented resume that details quantifiable achievements relevant to that particular job.

When you realize a company’s needs, make your resume to match those needs. Make yourself an obvious fit. Study phrases and words used in the job description and use the same in your resume. Let a recruiter know in the first few seconds that you are what they are looking for.

Make Yourself Available Online

Make your brand available online. This means you show the world your passion and expertise so that recruiters that are searching for employees online may see you. 

LinkedIn is a great online platform you can showcase your skills and expertise and position yourself to be found by employers. Most hiring managers and recruiters consider LinkedIn to find the skills they need.

Be Organized

Get organized in the way you do your job search. Create a spreadsheet that details the jobs you have applied for and those that invited you for interviews. This helps you not to miss deadlines, prepare for interviews and which companies to apply to. 

There are apps also that can help you keep organized, like Evernote, and others. Being organized will also help you do other things, like exercising, completing chores, or studying, as you learn to divide time equally for each important task. 

Don’t Limit Yourself

Employment Tips for New Job Seekers

Another mistake job seekers make is limiting themselves to applying online only. This can make you look for jobs for a long time as opposed to applying physically too. 

Not all recruiters are looking online for employees. Also, by the time you apply to a job you found online, it could be too late because some people get notifications as soon as a job is posted.

Final Thoughts

It is important for job seekers to get organized and to find out what they want, their weaknesses and strengths, and tailor their resumes to a particular job that they are applying to. 

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