If you are in need of some extra income, there are many things you can do in your free time to earn more money. You may be considering working online, which is a great option that opens up a lot of opportunities. Working online allows you to access communities that you would otherwise be unable to work with.
While working online is undeniably appealing, it is not the only option. If you want to make extra money, do not forget about the communities around you. In fact, you could start earning money even in your very own neighborhood.
Within the area in which you live, there are many different ways that you can make some extra money. All you have to do is put the work out there that you are willing and available to work. To learn more about how to do this and how you can make money in your neighborhood, continue reading below.

Especially in the springtime, many people in your area will be starting landscaping projects to give their yards and garden a fresh look. Through using social media platforms you can advertise your landscaping services and connect with those that may want help with a project.
One of the tricks that you might utilize is by giving those new customers a discount in the form of free days of services. Also, you might consider giving them discounts in the form of cash when they are paying you for the service.
Watering Gardens
If you have done your research well, you know that, although many people have automated sprinklers, individuals still need to manually water landscaped areas. Because of this, you will find that many homes are using a hose for watering the flowers and the grass, which can take quite a bit of time. So, this is a great opportunity to offer you watering services. You can specifically advertise to families who are going on vacation, offering to water their flowers while they are away.
Dog Walking
This is another hustle that you can use to earn a few extra dollars. You will note that there are some individuals who seemingly cannot find the time to take their dog out for a walk. Therefore, dog walking is a great service to offer.
If you are wondering how you can get customers, you can surely ask your neighbors who have dogs if they would be interested in your services. Alternatively, you could use the various dog walking apps that are available, like Rover. By using an app, you will be able to find a client and become a dog walker.
House Sitting
This is an opportunity that mostly comes when your neighbors are going on a holiday, and they do not feel comfortable leaving their house without anyone inside. You can charge per day that you will need to stay in their home. Also, you can charge more if they have pets to feed and take care of.
This is another way that many people can make money while still in their neighborhood. Through this, you might be able to make extra cash during the evening or on the weekend. Many parents will need that babysitter that they will comfortable working with, so you need to build a good relationship.
Through the above job opportunities, it is now clear that now you can make money by just working around your neighborhood. Also, you might end up being so busy that you can turn it to be a fulltime thing. So, there you have it folks, read through and see which one works best for you and go ahead and look for the job.